
Originals Bags


adidas Originals bags for every occasion

When you set off on an adventure, you shouldn’t have to choose between your keys and your phone, or whatever fits inside that one tiny pocket of your workout gear. You shouldn't have to wrestle with an oversized bag either, especially if you’re trying to travel light. You simply need the right bag for the right occasion – big enough to carry your essentials without weighing you down. With such a wide selection of styles and sizes available in our range of adidas Originals bags, you won’t even have to think about it when you’re getting ready in the morning. Just grab your favourite bag and go!

Choose the bag to suit your lifestyle

Whether you’re after a cute backpack with plenty of pockets or a sleek-looking waist bag to keep your belongings safe when you’re on the move, our adidas Originals bags offer plenty of options that are both practical and trendy. Many of our bags come with adjustable straps, allowing you to change the way you wear them according to your needs. From elegant imitation leather to eco-conscious recycled polyester, browse the collection and find out what makes an adidas Originals bag the perfect accessory for your everyday life.

Look good wherever you go

Geometric 3-Stripes detail. Iconic Trefoil on a bold background. Strong colours, straight lines, premium quality. We keep on bringing back our best classics and finding new ways of showcasing that unique adidas Originals feel so that you can recreate your favourite look in a matter of seconds. Our vintage bags will take any outfit to the next level – adding a quirky yet elegant touch of nostalgia that pairs so well with modern wardrobes. Our adidas Originals bags are designed to last for years, so get ready to pack a whole bunch of memories inside!